Hump Day Potpourri


Good morning, and welcome to another Hump Day Potpourri, my special venue for the little tidbits and obsessions in my life.

On Monday, I shared a bookish rant about a challenging read:  Slogging Through.  I’m happy to report that I finished it, and the review will be up on October 25, at Rainy Days and Mondays.

Now I’m reading Amsterdam (e-book), by Ian McEwan….a book that’s been hiding on Sparky since 2011.  Yes, a Mt. TBR Challenge book!




It’s a short book (193 pages), and so far, the setting is London.  At some point, the characters will go to Amsterdam.  Which is interesting, because last night, I watched an On Demand movie set in Amsterdam, called A Perfect Man, with Jeanne Tripplehorn and Liev Schreiber.



I rented it for two days, and I’m tempted to watch it again, just to enjoy the waterways and fascinating buildings.


It has been a restless morning, so you know what happens when I’m feeling restless…right?  Yes, I moved some stuff around.   In the first shot, note the big birdcage atop the bookshelf…it once held center stage on the hearth.  But I had other plans for the fireplace area.



The rattan loveseat has moved from the bedroom, back to the living room…only now it is in front of the hearth.  No worries.  I never use the fireplace.




And the chair that once sat next to the hearth area is near the dining room, and the sofa table with some books, etc.





Now that I have given my Coca Cola dishware to my daughter, I have been alternating with some other favorites for my morning coffee and breakfast.  First choice:  this mug and the matching bowls and plates.




And today I chose the mug and bowl from this set, which I’ve had for quite awhile.



What do you do when you get that restless feeling?  I know that rearranging furniture is not as great of an exercise activity as walking…or even using my exercise bike.  But this is what I do most often.





  1. Patty

    I love the changes and I love that shelf…I don’t remember seeing it before but I must have…restless feeling? Hmmm…I toss a kitty in a stroller and walk!


    1. Yes, the bookshelf in the Harlequin style paint colors (more noticeable when viewed from the side) is one of my favorite buys from a few years ago. In the foothill house, it was at the bottom of the stair landing, next to the woodburning stove.

      Most of my previous pictures probably didn’t spotlight it quite so much. I haven’t changed anything about it for awhile. I think I like the birdcage on top of it.

      I bought it at a shop, a consignment type place, where I have found many of my treasures over the years. Quirky things live in that shop, although nowadays, they don’t have as much furniture.

      I think your response to the restless feeling is probably healthier than mine…lol. Thanks for stopping by, Patty.


      1. And I already moved a couple other things around since I took these pictures! I put the Mickey Mouse under the iron grill on the wall, and the little white shelf with fairytale figurines is back on the hearth, near the left hand side.

        I can’t stop!


    1. Thanks, Rita….when I downsized, I had to pack many things in bins for the garage, and even gave some away. But my daughter says that this newer place is still “overstuffed.” She stops short of calling me a hoarder…almost. lol

      My granddaughter also loves it here. So my collectible gene skipped a generation. Glad you like my stuff.


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