june 9 coffee & blogging, etc.

Good morning, and welcome to my Friday Potpourri, a time to ponder the weekend…and to consider the past week.  Above, I snapped this photo yesterday, and it gives a glimpse of one of my favorite coffee mugs, some books, a Disney character, and a quirky doll.  You can also see (partially) the comfy chair with the big pillow, which I moved into the office during my reshuffling.  You can also catch a peek, in the foreground, my notebook page with my blog visitors/visits.  Yes, I am OCD, I confess, and write all those things down.

I don’t want to miss visiting someone who has come by to see my blog(s).


Earlier, I was studying the movies and I’m considering seeing Me Before You.  Yes, I enjoyed the book, but it wasn’t actually my favorite from the author, although I did go on to read several of her creations after that one.







The stars of the movie are unfamiliar to me, so I’m still pondering this one.  I tend to pick movies based on who is starring, and if I have enjoyed previous performances from them.  Yes, picky.

What do you think?  Have you seen it?


Last night I finished reading and reviewing I Let You Go, by Claire Mackintosh.  Wow!  That’s all I’m saying for now, but click the title for my review.







Madeleine Hatter, in her new spot beneath the fairytale images, says “hello!”


Madeleine on June 9


How is you weekend shaping up?  What were some favorite moments from the past week?



    1. Oh, I’m sorry about that, Patty….I’ve had a scratchy throat, which I’m attributing to allergies. I shouldn’t have gone out, since the air is so polluted, but I had some errands to run. Hope you feel better, and enjoy your weekend.


  1. Love your many blogs. My fav part of the week as I look back was yesterday when I had a brief conversation with Max my great nephew who is almost 2 1/2 years. He was telling me where he lives and that Audrey lives in that town too (cousins) But he told me “Audrey bit me on the neck” Oh I said that’s not nice! “No” he said, “That’s not nice!”. I love little moments.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, thanks, Kathryn, I’m so glad you can visit my many blogs. And what a sweet story about Max. Poor Max, though, that Audrey bit him. He seems to have a good attitude about it all, though, thanks to your support.

      Enjoy those moments!

      Liked by 1 person

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