Welcome to a Monday Potpourri in which I muse along with Jen at A Daily Rhythm.

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  • I’m currently reading…
  • Up next I think I’ll read…
  • I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
  • I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
  • I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
  • I can’t wait to get a copy of…
  • I wish I could read ___, but…
  • I blogged about ____ this past week…


THIS WEEK’S RANDOM QUESTION: What do you do with your books once you’ve read them?


I mostly read e-books, so when I finish them, I send them to the “cloud.”  No worries, they aren’t on shelves cluttering up things.

I do have some print books, and now that I’ve purged hundreds of those books in the past few months, they go on the shelves.  Here is my latest purged shelf, happily showing off a few books and some fairytale figurines.


Bookshelves, Madeline Hatter, etc.


I am currently reading The Crossing Places, by Elly Griffiths, Book One in the Ruth Dalloway series.  Loving it already!





Forensic archeologist Dr. Ruth Galloway is in her late thirties. She lives happily alone with her two cats in a bleak, remote area near Norfolk, land that was sacred to its Iron Age inhabitants—not quite earth, not quite sea. But her routine days of digging up bones and other ancient objects are harshly upended when a child’s bones are found on a desolate beach. Detective Chief Inspector Nelson calls Galloway for help, believing they are the remains of Lucy Downey, a little girl who went missing a decade ago and whose abductor continues to taunt him with bizarre letters containing references to ritual sacrifice, Shakespeare, and the Bible. Then a second girl goes missing and Nelson receives a new letter—exactly like the ones about Lucy.

Is it the same killer? Or a copycat murderer, linked in some way to the site near Ruth’s remote home?


What are you musing about today?



    1. Ha! I did that every day last week, but I still only read two books. I went out more: shopping, eating, etc. I finally cleaned yesterday, and when it was done, I thought: “Why do I procrastinate so much, when it takes very little time?” In my small place, it can be done so quickly, especially since I always pick up regularly as I go through the week. But you have a big house and two people and two cats, so I can see why you put it off. lol

      Thanks for stopping by, Patty, and I am going to love this new series.


  1. My favorite thing about Ruth Galloway is that she a ‘real’ person – you know? She’s wants to lose weight, but she doesn’t want to give up her favorite foods. She just normal, as opposed to ‘put together’.


    1. Thanks, Zhana, I started collecting these fairytale images from an artist called Jim Shore, and I have them throughout the house. One of my favorites is a carousel with several fairytale “princesses” on it…that one sits atop my Baker’s Rack in the dining room.

      Lots of dusting, of course, but they (and my various dolls) make me feel happy. lol

      I didn’t have dolls, etc., when I was a kid, so I’m making up for it.


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