
Welcome to my Sunday Potpourri post, in which I look back at the new (and old) obsessions in my life.  As well as various tidbits that intrigue me.

Not too long ago, I waxed on about a new obsession:  Netflix.  Well, it has only worsened.  While I initially started watching on weekends, I now am seeing how this new guilty pleasure is eating away at week nights and even afternoons.

What triggered this excess?  In one word:  Damages.  A show I had started viewing when it was on Cable…and then felt sad when it left and was no longer available on any of my channels.  Finding it on Netflix, all five seasons, was a definite win for me.


I enjoy anything that stars Glenn Close, especially the malevolent character she sometimes portrays.  And I am equally fascinated by her opponent in this series that is so much more than a legal battle of the wills, since it burrows beneath the facades and reveals much about the lives of the characters, both at work and at home.

I am halfway finished with the fifth season, so what do I plan to check out next?   Perhaps Orange is the New Black.  I am drawn to series drama…even though I also enjoy movies.

If you are interested in my Weekly Update, check out the link.

Currently I am reading the Kindle version of The Good Wife, by Jane Porter, the third Brennan Sisters novel.


There are four Brennan sisters, so I am wondering why there won’t be a fourth one in the series?  Perhaps that will become clear to me….

What are you enjoying today?  Any obsessions or special tidbits?


  1. Patty

    You are really using netflix…aren’t you? Someone told me to start watching a series called Paradise…but I have not checked it out…yet…

    Enjoy…guilty pleasures are fun!


    1. I think the number of series shows that we could watch are endless….there are some I don’t want to get into on TV, because I don’t like the breaks between seasons. Having them all available on Netflix is a selling point for me. Thanks for stopping by, Patty, and I plan to enjoy. But I could be holed up in my condo for days on end….


  2. The Good Wife seems to be intriguing. Glad you are enjoying it.

    I haven’t read it yet.

    I am enjoy Tahoe Chase by Todd Borg and also a Toasted Marshamallow Latte. 🙂

    Have a great week!!

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