Books & fairytales - TUESDAY EXCERPTS

Welcome to another Tuesday celebrating bookish events, First Chapter/Intros, hosted by Bibliophile by the Sea; and Teaser Tuesdays hosted by The Purple Booker.

My book today is a recent download from a favorite author:  Never Alone, by Elizabeth Haynes, is a brilliantly suspenseful and shocking story in which nothing is at it seems, but everything is at stake.





Intro:  (Sarah)

Not for the first time, Sarah Carpenter stands at the top of the hill and thinks that this would be a good place to die.  It feels like the end of the world, so high up that even the trees don’t bother to grow.  It’s just tussocky windblown grass, clouds racing overhead, drops of icy rain when you’re not expecting them.

You could die here and nobody would notice.  You could lie down, and nobody would ever find you.  The wind would continue to blow and the sun, sometimes, would shine, and there would be rain and snow too, picking at your clothes and your flesh until there was nothing left but bones.  Even in January, though, with the weather unpredictable and sometimes even dangerous, it’s not just Sarah who comes up here.  There are wildlife rangers, fell-walkers.  Someone would find you, eventually.


Teaser:  Sarah rinses the plates, slowly, and puts each one carefully into the dishwasher, while breathing in gasping, jerking breaths and trying not to cry.   If she cries, even briefly, Kitty will see and ask and she doesn’t know what she can possibly say. (53%).


Synopsis:  Sarah Carpenter lives in an isolated farmhouse in North Yorkshire and for the first time, after the death of her husband some years ago and her children, Louis and Kitty, leaving for university, she’s living alone. But she doesn’t consider herself lonely. She has two dogs, a wide network of friends and the support of her best friend, Sophie.

When an old acquaintance, Aiden Beck, needs somewhere to stay for a while, Sarah’s cottage seems ideal; and renewing her relationship with Aiden gives her a reason to smile again. It’s supposed to be temporary, but not everyone is comfortable with the arrangement: her children are wary of his motives, and Will Brewer, an old friend of her son’s, seems to have taken it upon himself to check up on Sarah at every opportunity. Even Sophie has grown remote and distant.

After Sophie disappears, it’s clear she hasn’t been entirely honest with anyone, including Will, who seems more concerned for Sarah’s safety than anyone else. As the weather closes in, events take a dramatic turn and Kitty too goes missing. Suddenly Sarah finds herself in terrible danger, unsure of who she can still trust.

But she isn’t facing this alone; she has Aiden, and Aiden offers the protection that Sarah needs. Doesn’t he?


What do you think?  Are you intrigued?  Would you keep reading?



  1. Diane D

    Just posted my linkup Laurel. I forgot it was Tuesday LOL

    From this intro I’m wondering why she is in the mindset of death? I do like suspenseful stories and this sounds like a good one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have read and loved three other books by this author, so I knew it would be a winner for me. Or I hope, anyway. I am curious about her thoughts, too. And yeah, I hoped you weren’t without power when I didn’t see the Link-Up. LOL.

      Thanks for stopping by!


  2. I love this author’s books. I’ve had this one for a bit on my Kindle, but it wasn’t the right time to read it – you know how that is – just the right moment. Anyway, looking forward to it now. What a bleak intro but compelling…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I accidentally discovered this author when I read one of her books from Amazon Vine, Into the Darkest Corner, which I followed up with Under a Silent Moon and Behind Closed Doors. So…I had to have this one, too!

      Thanks for stopping by, Jordan.


  3. I haven’t read enough of her work – she’s a fabulous author and this one sounds great:). I saw her talk at Brighton’s It Was a Dark and Stormy Night event a couple of years ago and she was impressive. Thank you for sharing:)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sounds like she’s quite down in your selection. The synopsis makes it sound thrilling though. I haven’t read anything by this author yet, but I think I will have to look into her now. And thanks for coming by my teaser.

    Liked by 1 person

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