Welcome to another Weekend Potpourri, and the celebration of all good things that came from this week.




Today I am linking up the West Metro Mommy Reads, for Saturday Snapshots.

The purges of the past few months have been numerous, and while it may seem as if my mantra is “everything must go,” nothing could be further from the truth.  Above, note the addition of a new device:  my Blu-Ray player, on which I can now play Netflix…and down the road, my Amazon Videos.

There were a few glitches after its installation, but the AT&T service rep came out and upgraded my modem, my cables, and everything is now in great working order.  I have been bingeing on Breaking Bad every night, instead of only on the weekends.

And yesterday I took a load of books to the library….(see the bookshelf full of them in the garage):




Now my garage is purged….with bins filled with collections to store until I decide what to do with them.  And the empty bookshelves now belong to my daughter.  She hauled them away, along with all of her stuff that I had been storing!  The garage is mine again….







We are celebrating all kinds of things this weekend….last week, my granddaughter Aubrey graduated high school, with lots of fun events to top things off.  Here she is, below, with two of her brothers and her dad.  Why the lei?  Well, for a senior trip, she was off to Hawaii.  What fun, right?



My Robinson Four


The graduate - Aubrey, left


Next week, my other granddaughter Fiona will be graduating.  More pictures to come!


And before they all existed, these beautiful grandchildren, there were my three sons in this picture from 1971, five years before I also had my daughter.  Remember the snapshot of me in the mid-sixties with poofy hair?  Well, we went from that to the plainer version.



My three sons - 1971



What are you featuring this weekend?  I hope you’ll stop by and share.



    1. Thanks, Cleopatra….I wish the shelves had larger spaces between them so I could heft that big piece of luggage up….but at least most of the clutter is gone.

      Yes, hair is one of the big signs of an era.


  1. I can only dream of empty bookshelves and a garage that is that neat and organised (no pictures forthcoming of mine-although I am in the midst of a very long, slow clean up- but that seems to be barely keeping pace with the clutter. Congratulations to your granddaughter, how wonderful to go to Hawaii.


    1. Once I got started, I couldn’t seem to stop…LOL. I am thinking I should slow things down a bit, Louise, but I am glad to have gotten some kind of order going. Thanks for stopping by, and I have never even been to Hawaii! Lucky girl, right? Last year, her dad and brothers took her to Europe.


  2. Purging is a great feeling..mine is also a work in progress. I especially enjoyed the picture of you with your 3 sons. I remember those small plastic seats for infants in the sixties! What fun to see the younger you.


    1. Thanks, Judy, it is hard to believe that so many years have gone by! I love the bangs on my boys, and that plastic orange seat seems antiquated, doesn’t it?

      And purging is definitely a work in progress!


    1. Oh, I know, Jackie…I am going to grit my teeth and try not to let that happen!

      When I moved here eight years ago, I was downsizing and started out pretty minimal…then I resumed collecting. Wow!

      Thanks for stopping by.


  3. Congratulations on your continued purging. It’s a wonderful feeling to be organized, isn’t it? I enjoyed today’s potpourri of pictures. Congratulations to Aubrey, too, on her graduation and Hawaii trip. Such an exciting time.


    1. Thanks, Sandra…I still think Aubrey and Fiona, born only days apart, should be those cuddly babies! LOL

      But as young adults, they are fun. And Fiona is great for showing me how to use various devices, like my iPhone when I first got it.


  4. readerbuzz

    I think you lived the life I wish I’d lived…I’ve always wanted to be a hippie, I think!

    Love the picture of you and your sons.


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