I love Sunday mornings!  As I think back to my years in the “trenches,” as I like to dub my career in social work, I didn’t really enjoy Sunday.   Sunday was like the dark tunnel that led directly to Monday and a return to the stress of my life.

It’s not that I hated my work.  Most of the time, I really felt fulfilled with the opportunity to make a difference.  But so often, the obstacles (rules, laws) seemingly interfered and kept most of us frustrated and stressed out.

Now that I’m “retired” and free-lancing as a writer/blogger, I love Sundays…and even Mondays.

There’s a real freedom in this new life.  The only downside…well, you know what that would be:  knowing that there are many more years behind me than ahead of me.

Lest I wax gloomy here, let’s turn our attention to the nostalgic moments I’m enjoying.  Check out my Sunday Salon post.

On my DVR, I have some movies from the past.  Vertigo is one I haven’t seen for many years.

It’s on my DVR…and I can’t wait!

Then I’ve started watching a movie from the seventies, just to reflect on how things were then…and how they are now.

An Unmarried Woman, starring Jill Clayburgh, came to the theaters around the same time that my second marriage was ending.  Forever after, I would think of my own life when I watched it.

But not so much anymore.

Isn’t it great that time and distance render certain events…neutral?

My situation was completely different than the woman in this film.  For one thing, I wanted out of the marriage.

Despite this fact, though, there was a certain nostalgia for the life I had been accustomed to.  There are always feelings of regret, of loss, of “what-if.”

This morning I am sipping a Mimosa for the first time all week.  In my vow to make healthier choices, I am limiting myself…yes, I know I have that “guilty pleasures” blog, Chocolate & Mimosas, but moderation doesn’t mean I don’t still enjoy these things.

Maybe moderation brings MORE enjoyment to the choices I make.

What do you love to do on Sundays?  Do you feel nostalgic for certain times in your life?  What books or movies bring up these feelings?


  1. Oh my…I know exactly what you mean…as much as I loved teaching…Sunday blues seemed to creep in earlier and earlier…so…what I love most about not teaching now is that I love each day…every one is more wondrous than the next one…

    Cheers to Sunday!!


    1. Cheers back! Isn’t it amazing how a difference like working or not working helps us look at each day as a gift?

      Of course, if I hadn’t hung in at work, I wouldn’t have the pensions now…lol.

      Don’t think that didn’t keep me showing up at work!

      I hung in there for 27 years…and then worked for a private agency for three more years. That was actually a whole new perspective. And I made some interesting connections there.

      But I love my life now even more!

      Thanks for stopping by, Patty.


  2. YES! You really nailed how I once felt when you wrote: “Sunday was like the dark tunnel that led directly to Monday and a return to the stress of my life.”

    When I left my career in interior design to pursue writing, I felt like a bird finally freed from its cage. No more Sunday blues for me!

    Have a terrific Sunday and a great week!


    1. Oh, I’m glad you could relate to the feeling, Beth. Even if we loved what we were doing (most of the time!), there is a freedom that comes from designing our own days. Thanks for stopping by, and have a fabulous day!


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