Seven months ago, my life changed dramatically, and now I am finding lots of uses for my favorite furnishings.  Above, you can see the little green cupboard that was in my dining room in my triplex, stuffed with books and trinkets.

Now that same cupboard (below), is in my bathroom filled with towels and bedding.

Then there were other cupboards I loved; see the Jelly Cupboard on the right side and far right of these photos:

I brought that cupboard to my new space (below), and it serves as a place to contain trinkets and books…and clothes.  These cupboards have been favorites of mine…even the ones left behind.  Sigh.



My life is full of little trinkets, quirky things, and special tidbits.  Even when I have to change everything about my surroundings, I find a way to fit my favorite things into my new space.

What do you do to make your world cozy when everything changes?



  1. I don’t know what your big change was but I moved and had to massively downsize this summer and it is amazing how quickly you identify the things that are precious isn’t it? I hope everything is ok with you and your holiday season is going well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Molly, my big change was in my health, so I needed to move to a smaller space with cooking and cleaning provided. I had surgery in November and now I’m feeling much better, and enjoying the “pampering.”

      So, yes, we do quickly focus on the things we value most.

      Enjoy your week, and Happy New Year.

      Liked by 1 person

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