Welcome to Sunday!  A day that once produced anxiety because Monday followed it.  But now that I’m retired, I love Mondays, too.

Today I’m hanging out in my office, a special place for me.  I’ve been visiting blogs and checking out books on Amazon.  I should be dusting and vacuuming…but I keep saying “later” to myself.   Sigh.  Last weekend, my granddaughter was going to do that for me, but I cancelled…I wasn’t feeling up to supervising the dusting of my numerous trinkets…so I decided I had to do it myself.  I’m the worst!


Why would I do housework when there are lovely books, movies, and shows to watch?  Life is short, so maybe I should just gather up all the things that need dusting and stash them somewhere.  Would that simplify my life?

Currently I am reading When Life Gives You Lululemons, by Lauren Weisberger, the author who gave us The Devil Wears Prada.  (I also have that movie!).  I got the book from the library app.


Visiting blogs often takes me to unexpected places.  Like today, on Erin’s Still Life With Cracker Crumbs, she was showing a photo of her son enjoying butterflies…and my mind sped backwards to the year I worked in a library…when an author (Leo Politi) came to town.  His book The Butterflies Come, was a beautifully illustrated story of the Monarch butterflies and their journey.  I had an autographed copy…and I don’t know what happened to it!  I was a teenager when I got it, though, so that might explain it.  But would you believe that the book is on Amazon…and very expensive!  And those are not the autographed copies.   Sigh.

But we can’t go back and correct the errors of judgment in the past.  But I loved remembering that book.


Remembering the treasures of the past…and savoring the ones we still have.  That feeling is why I need to go dust some of those lovelies!

What lies ahead in your day…and your week?



    1. Thanks for visiting, Patty…and since I lost track of it some time in the 60s, and my younger siblings are not telling…LOL.

      My sister denied that the Nancy Drew books she had given her daughters were mine…so she is not going to confess anything.

      I’ve learned that you can’t move out without taking everything that you value.

      Enjoy your weekend!


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Kathryn, and not even on Amazon are there magic wands to do housework…lol. But wouldn’t it be lovely to find one or two? I especially hate dusting!

      As for the butterflies book, I still clearly remember how beautiful it was…and how I enjoyed listening to the author as he talked about the magical creatures. Then I loved taking my book home with his beautiful autograph. Even his autograph had butterflies among the letters of his name. He was quite the artist, having done all the illustrations.

      There is probably some receptacle somewhere for all the items we have lost or misplaced.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Aw I am so glad that my butterfly story brought to mind a happy memory of that book – although it stinks that it is gone now! I have some books that I wish I still had too. 😦 Especially now, it would have been great to give to Wyatt. I do have my copy of Goodnight, Moon from when I was a kid. My parents gave it to me for Christmas when I was tiny and wrote a little message inside. My mom had it and when Wyatt was born, my dad wrote a note in it for Wyatt. So the book has two messages, one to me and one to Wyatt. 🙂 And now look, you have me going down memory lane too! 🙂

    I found that book in our library system! I put it on hold and I am excited to read it to Wyatt! 🙂

    Thanks for sharing and also for mentioning me! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping by and sharing, Erin; I hope Wyatt loves that book!

      I looked up photos of Leo Politi online, and none of them looked like the man I recalled from the author event. But I was only eighteen! And maybe the photos were from different time periods. At any rate, the book was gorgeous, and I could kick myself for “losing” it along the way. (I still think my sister has it! LOL).

      Enjoy the book!


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