Today I’m participating in Sam’s WWW Wednesdays Here’s how it works:

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next, and/or what are you eagerly awaiting?



Merry & Bright (e-book), by Debbie Macomber

Trying an online relationship, Merry finds herself chatting with a charming stranger, a man with similar interests and an unmistakably kind soul. Their online exchanges become the brightest part of her day. But meeting face-to-face is altogether different, and her special friend is the last person Merry expects—or desires. Still, sometimes hearts can see what our eyes cannot. In this satisfying seasonal tale, unanticipated love is only a click away.


BOOKS FINISHED SINCE LAST WEEK: (Click on Titles/Covers for My Reviews)

Poison (e-book), by Galt Niederhoffer

The Story of Arthur Truluv (e-book), by Elizabeth Berg

The Storied Life of AJ Fikry (e-book), by Gabrielle Zevin

Young Jane Young (e-book), by Gabrielle Zevin



As a fan of Wendy Wax and her Ten Beach Road series, I am eager to get my hands on the next new one, coming May 22, 2018:

Best Beach Ever (e-book, Ten Beach Road  Book 6), by Wendy Wax

Synopsis:  Hoping for smooth sailing the ladies of Ten Beach Road confront choppy seas…

Forced to rent out or lose their beloved Bella Flora after the loss of their renovation-turned-reality-TV show Do Over, Maddie, Nikki, Avery, Kyra, and Bitsy move into cottages at the Sunshine Hotel and Beach Club believing the worst is over. Only to discover just how uncertain their futures really are.

Maddie struggles with the challenges of dating a rock star whose career has come roaring back to life while Nikki faces the daunting realities of mothering twins at forty-seven. Avery buries herself in a tiny home build in an attempt to dodge commitment issues, and Kyra battles to protect her son from the Hollywood world she once dreamed of joining. And Bitsy is about to find out whether the rewards of seeking revenge will outweigh the risks.

Luckily, when the going gets tough, the ladies of Ten Beach Road know that their friendship–tried and tested–can chase away the darkest clouds and let the sun shine in…


So…that’s my week so far.  I hope everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving has a great day.  For everyone else, have a wonderful week.


14 thoughts on “CURLING UP WITH GOOD BOOKS….

    1. I love her books, Cleo, and the first I read from her was called The Accidental Bestseller…but there have been many delightful ones over the years. I LOVE this Ten Beach Road series, as it combines my love of renovating (in my mind only, of course) with friendships…along with the conflicts that seem to crop up with friends working together.

      Thanks for visiting!


    1. Thanks, Brandie, I hope you enjoy your books, too…and it’s strange how I wasn’t sure I would read Young Jane Young at this point in time, but I had just finished The Storied Life of AJ Fikry by this author (which had been relaxing on my Kindle for three years!), and had enjoyed it so much that I moved right into YJY.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Emily Wrayburn

    Oh my goodness, I really love the sound of Merry and Bright. And I need something to read on the trip home for Christmas. Are you enjoying it?

    Happy reading and thanks for visiting my WWW post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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