bookish thursdays

Welcome to Thursday, a day that once seemed lost, with nothing exciting happening anywhere.  But then that changed, and today I am celebrating some of the bookish events around the blogosphere, like Lexxie’s Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts; Kimberlyfaye’s TBR Thursday; and Christine’s Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts.

Today’s featured book is from my TBR pile on Pippa: The Next Time You See Me, by Holly Goddard Jones, which has been lingering there since August 26, 2014.




For Lexxie’s post, this snippet about food comes on the heels of a frightening experience for Emily, a thirteen-year-old girl who is terrified about something she has discovered:

“…but now she was being led to a kitchen chair and her father was rolling up her pant leg to examine the ankle (“It’s a little swollen, but it don’t look broke to me,” he was saying, and her mother, breathlessly, “Are you sure?”), and her stomach was growling a little at the sight of a bag of Doritos, unopened, on the table to her left.  She hadn’t screamed.  She hadn’t sounded an alarm.  She pulled the sack of chips closer and tweezed the top between her fingers, pulling, releasing the putrid-pleasant scent of corn and cheese into her face as her father quizzed her on where, and why, and how, and What the heck are you thinking, rambling around by yourself at night?  Her mother brought her a Coca-Cola, opened, and Emily did what she loved:  she put a chip into her mouth and crunched, and while the crumbs were still circling inside her mouth, getting milled by her teeth and tongue, she chased them with a long draft of the soda, the sweet and bubbles washing it all down the back of her throat…”

(I am not a big fan of Doritos, but I could grab a bag right now!)


In honor of TBR Thursday, here’s the blurb, and as I read it, I am astonished that it has been just languishing on Pippa:

When a small Southern town’s most fiery single woman is found dead in the woods, it’s not just her secrets that threaten to surface. There’s Ronnie’s sister, Susanna, a dutiful but dissatisfied schoolteacher, mother, and wife; Tony, a failed baseball star turned detective; Emily, a socially awkward thirteen-year-old with a dark secret; and Wyatt, a factory worker tormented by a past he can’t change and by a love he doesn’t think he deserves.

Connected in ways they cannot begin to imagine, their stories converge in a violent climax that reveals not just the mystery of what happened to Ronnie, but all of their secret selves. Praised as “immensely satisfying and skillful” by Kate Atkinson, author of New York Times bestseller Life After Life, The Next Time You See Me is a debut novel not to be missed.


Here are some bookish/not so bookish thoughts:

  • I have been watching a lot of TV and Netflix this week, which is not really new, but my reading has suffered a bit more than usual..I’ve been watching the OJ Mini-series, and feeling the resentment and chagrin I felt at the time the trial was on every TV channel back in the day, but when I saw Dominick Dunne, the author, as he was interviewed during the show, I was reminded that he wrote a book about the trial, both real and fictionalized, so I downloaded the e-book last night:  Another City, Not My Own.  (I actually read this book a few years ago, and don’t have a copy any more because of my purges…so I wanted a reread);




  • When I was running errands on Monday, I stopped in between for a bowl of soup and a Pomegranate Martini…my go-to cocktail these days;


soup and martini on Monday-2-29

  • My pre-Oscars activities involved watching a few of the nominated movies, and my favorites were Spotlight (yay, win!) and Room.  I also have the e-book of Room which I plan to read soon.

That’s it for my thoughts this week!  What are yours?



    1. Okay, now I definitely feel more tempted…taco salad is a favorite! Thanks for sharing…and for visiting today, Braine…I think Mexican food with a Margarita sounds like a plan for today. LOL


  1. Brandie

    I don’t get into the award shows, but I’d definitely like to see Room sometime. I remember when the book was getting so much buzz, but I never did read it.
    Soup and a martini sound lovely right about now. Especially the soup – it’s freezing in the office today! 🙂
    That book cover – very catchy! And it sounds really good! I think it’s worth trying. In fact, I may have to add it to my TBR!


    1. I am always amazed at the books that have been “languishing” on my stacks! I know that I must have wanted to read them, or I wouldn’t have downloaded them. A case of too many books, not enough time.

      Thanks, Brandie, and I agree about the shows…I have the TV on, and I’m reading, glancing up when they announce something I’m interested in. The best movie, best actor, etc., awards.

      Enjoy your book!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. kgriffin3227

    Now i want some Doritos and Coke. That’s not good because I’m diabetic, lol. Why must you tempt me?! That soup looked really good too. Moving on…the book sounds really good, very mysterious. I haven’t watched the OJ miniseries because I figured it would just make me frustrated and irritable, so I’ve stayed away. That book sounds interesting though. I’d be interested in reading your review of it, if you write one. Here’s my TBR Thursday. happy reading!


    1. I didn’t review it back when I first read it…it was before I was blogging or on Goodreads. But when I reread it, I will. I love Dunne’s books.

      I really hated how the OJ trial consumed the TV networks, back in the mid-nineties..nothing else was on. I’m not liking most of the characters in the mini-series, either; the actor portraying OJ isn’t inhabiting the character very well, IMO.

      And the Marcia Clark character is very annoying…LOL.

      I also want some Doritos! Thanks for stopping by, Kim.


  3. That book sounds interesting! We always have a bag of doritos around the house so I may have to have some later. I want a coke so badly, too, but I gave up soda for lent so no coke for me!

    I’m not much of an awards show person but I’m glad Brie Larson won best actress for Room. I’ve heard amazing things about that movie and book. I’ll need to pick it up soon


  4. I’m currently reading a newish translation of Le Ventre de Paris by Émile Zola. This novel, one of the Rougon-Macquart series, is set largely at Les Halles, the huge Parisian market which, unfortunately, was demolished circa 1970. It is famous for it’s descriptions of food and especially one of cheese. An excerpt (in English) can be read at if you think it won’t put you off cheese forever, lol.


    1. So true, Patty….but I actually don’t own the Dunne book anymore. I couldn’t find it, so I must have purged it. LOL.

      Before I checked on Goodreads, though, I wasn’t sure if I had it or even read it.

      Some books I think I’ve read but haven’t…that happened to me the other day. I was sure I had read something by J. T. Ellison, but no, according to Goodreads.

      I do have a book by her now, No One Knows, which I’ll be reading soon.


  5. I kept seeing the book Room on the internet and in the bookstore but I never thought to check it out. Then Brie Larson kept winning all the awards for the movie adaptation and now I’m thinking I should check out the book. Hope you enjoy reading it! 🙂


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