Good morning!  How can it be June already?  Or even the weekend?  The flying of time is sometimes disturbing…especially when so many things are left undone. 

One day recently, I fixed a tray of comfort food for my coffee table:  Tuna Salad on a Tomato.  I know, I usually go out for the meals I want to photograph.  But I liked how this treat looked appetizing enough to snap with my camera.

Then, when I curled up on this office sofa, I had to snap a picture of its coziness.

The book on the coffee table/trunk is an “up soon” review book that picks up where Beach Bliss left off:  Castaway Cottage, by Joanne DeMaio.

Earlier this morning, I enjoyed my exercise while watching a movie.  My newest routine.  (Of course, I had to move Minnie Mouse so I could sit down!).

Yesterday, I went to my daughter’s salon and enjoyed getting my bangs trimmed:

Below:  Check out images in my oldest grandson’s life:  Left, a mug with his baby face on it; Middle, a pensive look on his four-year-old face; and Right, the graduate from UC Berkeley:

Some moments from the past make us smile, while others remind us of the passage of time, bringing out mixed feelings.

On Facebook, I found a photo my DIL shared of our lost Jessica…one of her last walks on the beach.  Such a poignant image.


What moments from your week…and your life…are tugging at your heartstrings today?  What weekend plans lie ahead?



  1. Patty

    I love your salad photo! It’s very inviting! Tonight we are talking our neighbor..Vicki…out to dinner to try to thank her for all of her kindnesses over this past year! We are goi grown a list and we have two more to go!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I always enjoy your “foodie” photos, and today’s lunch looks delicious — and healthy, too. Congratulations on your exercise routine. Although I hike and walk, they’re only “sometimes” activities. I need to get into the habit of exercising daily. You’ve inspired me.
    Lovely pictures of your family, too — especially the three of your oldest grandson.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
    Sandy @ Writing With a Texas Twang

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