One of the books I read and reviewed this week had a big effect on me.  Coming Clean, by Kimberly Rae Miller, is a memoir about growing up with hoarders  (Click for my review).

While I don’t believe that I’ve crossed over that line…yet, after reading these stories, I become increasingly mindful of how collections can merge into something more.  Earlier in the week, I wrote a post about this topic, and about a plan to curb those impulses.

A couple of months ago, I started editing my doll collections, and now some of them reside in the garage in see-through bins.  I can catch a glimpse of them…and then move on.

Now the books have had their turn with the purge.  After my initial purge earlier in the week, I kept working at it, on and off.  And here are some images of what I’ve done so far.


Boxed Books
Boxed Books


In case you can’t tell, there are five full boxes of books here.  And below, take a peek at the empty spaces in some of my shelves.


empty shelves


These two empty shelves in the hallway will be the receptacle of some of the books now resting on my office coffee table and atop my bookcase…once I’ve read and reviewed them.


freed up space


On the top shelf of this bookshelf, there is room for a few books….more from the TBR piles.


more freed up space


And here’s more space….once occupied by a few really old books that I am very sure I won’t be reading again!


more freed up space


And finally…still more space.

Since part of my plan is to add to Sparky more often than the physical piles, I might actually have enough room for the books awaiting their turn on the shelves.

These are all from shelves in the hallway and my bedroom.  I haven’t even begun on the bookshelves in the living room…they’ll be next!  Do you feel free when you’ve purged some of your own shelves?  Or do you keep the flow (of incoming and outgoing books) on a regular basis, not needing big purges?



The above shot is of one of my living room shelves.  I can see myself tackling this one, but not today!  Today I’m reading…and then having my hair styled and colored.


I’ll be going here, where my daughter has her styling space.






  1. Oh good for you! Books can definitely change the way we see ourselves, can’t they? I did my first ever book purge a few weeks back when I had the decorators coming and I actually felt quite good about it – although I reassessed and added to my piles for the charity shop a few times (one sweep of each bookshelf was not enough!).


  2. Patty

    It looks as though you are really motivated to cleanse! Everything looks good. I have decided that no matter how much I love a book…I will never read it again…so off it goes! I have a hard time getting rid of clothes and shoes but I am doing it!


    1. I still ponder whether or not I’ll reread some of them….and then decided that, if I love having them on my shelves, I’m not ready to say goodbye.

      I get rid of clothes and shoes more easily…but then sometimes feel remorseful. lol

      Thanks for stopping by, Patty.


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