4-30-curlupandread-001-framed-book-beginnings2friday 56

Welcome to some bookish fun today as we share Book Beginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader; and as we showcase The Friday 56 with Freda’s Voice.

To join in, just grab a book and share the opening lines…along with any thoughts you wish to give us; then turn to page 56 and excerpt anything on the page.

Then give us the title of the book, so others can add it to their lists!

If you have been wanting to participate, but haven’t yet tried, now is the time!

What better way to spend a Friday?

Here’s my pick for today!  Blast from the Past, by Lauren Carr, is another Mac Faraday mystery.



Beginning:  Prologue – Campus Library, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland — Twelve Years Ago

Kendra Douglas could have sworn that she heard someone walking up in the library stacks.  While her head told her that the footsteps she had heard were only her imagination, the pounding in her heart insisted that someone was hiding up there, and that he likely had a knife—a big sharp knife.

Yikes!  I can feel it, too!


56:  She shoved him back into the limousine.  While all of the men stood in shock at the petite, little blonde’s display, she picked up Gnarly’s leash and headed back down Spencer Lane to home.


Amazon Description:  In this fourth mystery on Deep Creek Lake; Mac Faraday finds himself up to his eyeballs with mobsters and federal agents. After an attempted hit ends badly with two of his men dead, mobster Tommy Cruze arrives in Spencer, Maryland, to personally supervise the execution of the witness responsible for putting him behind bars—Archie Monday! Mac Faraday believes he has his work cut out for him in protecting his lady love from one of the most dangerous leaders in organized crime; but when bodies start dropping in his lakeshore resort town, things may be hotter than even he can handle.


Now I’m off to see what the rest of you are excerpting.  Come on by and let’s chat.


  1. what a beginning! i love libraries but that scenario is creepy! it reminded me of my “encounter” with Count Dracula one stormy dark afternoon at my college library lol!
    the 56 was kinda amusing! sounds like a fighter to me! thanks for sharing Laurel-Rain and have a great weekend. 🙂


    1. Definitely can’t read with the lights out…lol; but I know what you mean! And I read another one this week that shouldn’t be read at night: the Chelsea Cain serial killer book. Thanks for stopping by, Patty.


Please leave your thoughts. Comments, not awards, feed my soul. Thanks!

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