Welcome to Monday Potpourri and our bookish event:  Musing Mondays, hosted by Should Be Reading.

Today’s topic:

What devices –if any– do you read books on? Do you find it enjoyable, or still somewhat bothersome? Or: If you only read the print books, why haven’t you chosen to read on any devices?


A little over a year ago, I would have answered a resounding “no,” I read only print books.

But my daughter gave me Sparky, my Kindle, and I now have a very strong positive relationship with her.  Easy downloads and less expensive reads are the most obvious positives…and then there’s the way you can carry a whole library with you when you go out the door, whether it’s for travel or to the neighborhood coffee shop.

Last Year's Christmas Gift

Sometimes, while eating, I get a bit nervous to read on Sparky.  What if I splash soup on her?  And at night, I’m wary of dropping her on the floor while reading in bed.  But I seem to be overcoming these uncertainties.

One of my own creations, Web of Tyranny, is available on Kindle, as well as in print. 

I hope to have two more titles out this year, and I’m wondering if I should just put them on Kindle…or both e-book and print.

What do you think about devices?  I know that I’ll always want some print books…I love being surrounded by my overflowing shelves.

Cozy Ambience





14 thoughts on “MONDAY POTPOURRI — MUSINGS — JAN. 16

  1. I have to say that I do not get any special feeling being around or reading print books…

    In fact I give most of mine away…

    My favorite place to read lately is on my iPad…a full size page…you can set it to look like and sound like a real page turning…and you can easily stop for a moment to check or send an email…

    I will ever be without a Kindle…love categorizing my books that way…


  2. thanks for stopping by….it will be a long time before I get converted. I’m pretty sure I’ll never buy one….the only way I see an e-reader coming into my house is if it’s given to me.


    1. Thanks, Burgundy Ice…I had help naming it, via a contest on one of my blogs. Nobody came up with the exact name, but the process started there…I had fire, kindling, etc., so naturally, Sparky was born (or named!).


  3. As you know, I just recently purchased my Nookcolor, and so far I am loving it. Especially when it comes to buying books. There is where I am going to have to learn self-control. It is just to doggone easy to download them and have them in only a few seconds. ; ))


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