It is early afternoon here in Central California, and as I sifted through my available photos (and blog headers), after decorating a few of them in “holiday garb,” I settled on this one I like to call Versions of Fiona.

On the left, she’s partaking of her favorite caffeinated beverage; while on the right, she’s cuddling her nephew Logan, whose sippy cup surely contains something he loves.

I must admit to a fondness for Starbucks coffee, black, with two shots of espresso (called a Red Eye); but I also love to sip red wine or mimosas.  I even have a blog called Chocolate & Mimosas, which features some guilty pleasures.

After I finish blogging, I may just have to go visit my neighborhood Barnes & Noble, where I enjoy the coffee and biscotti.

Glossy magazines with a favorite beverage are another special treat on a Saturday.

This is not a photo of MY neighborhood Barnes & Noble cafe/bookstore, but it looks a lot like this one.


Sometimes, however, the tables are full on a cold weekend day.

Should I take my chances?

Later, I want to watch my DVD The Help, which arrived in the mail yesterday!


What Saturday events keep you happy?  Is it a day for relaxation, or for errands?



  1. The photos are lovely…

    And that is a wonderful way to spend a Saturday afternoon…

    We spent the morning pulling out bins…Christmas ones and putting candles in all of th windows and putting out all of the Santas and snowmen.

    Then we went to a farm for wreaths and things…big beautiful fresh wreaths for the doors.

    Now we can’t move.

    At all…


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