My Creations and My Creative Journey

Today I’m contemplating the past week, wondering where the days have gone, and at the same time, reflecting on the weekend.

All week long, there have been BBAW activities; today’s post, on Forgotten Treasures, is all about great old books (or new ones) that haven’t received the appropriate attention ( in our opinions).

While I was meandering in the past, and recalling why I loved the book I chose (The Golden Notebook), my wandering thoughts took me back.  Way back in the day, to that person I once was.

Do you ever recall who you were at specific moments in time?  And wonder where you would have traveled if you hadn’t made certain choices?

I certainly do, and, in fact, the first two books I wrote—An Accidental Life and Miles to Go—featured those kinds of moments and choices.

My journey through the radical sixties and seventies had a big impact on who I became.

Now, looking back, I think that some of what I did was embarrassingly naive, but then again, that’s who we often are when we’re young.

My motto is “no regrets.”  After all, every part of our journey has formed us, and hopefully, we’ve learned a lot along the way.

While I was writing this post, my granddaughter Fiona called, which catapulted me right into the present.  Another part of my life that wouldn’t exist if I hadn’t made the choices I made.  A delightful treasure that reminds me of all the gifts I have today.

Now that I’m soundly back in the moment, I need to get ready for the technical representative to arrive to replace my DVR.  It suddenly developed weird glitches that made it totally unreliable.

Today’s technology is something I couldn’t have even imagined way back in the day.  We hadn’t even heard of VCRs at that point, much less DVDs and DVRs.

Ah, modern technology does have its upside.

What past and present treasures do you enjoy?  I hope you’ll stop in and share.


  1. You have not really changed that much…you look lovely in both times…
    I don’t think I could be without my laptop and my Kindle.

    I think I would be sad without either one…


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