Good morning, and welcome to another Sunday Potpourri post.  To see what my week looked like, visit my Weekly Updates post at Rainy Days and Mondays.

In that post, I mentioned my latest bookshelf clearing project, and in another post, I talked about my “head count” of the physical books remaining (from 1435 to 630), in Bookish Friday.

So, considering all of that, you might think that I would curb my impulses…and not buy anything, at least for a while.  And not any actual physical books.  Kindle book buying is fair game, as “out of sight, out of mind.”

But then I saw a title on someone’s blog….Sleeping with the Enemy.  And my mind flitted to the past and a book by that name, as well as the Julia Roberts movie.

The blogger was referring to a different book by that title, but I had to do a search.  And found it, published in 1987.  I used to have it, I’m sure, but it was probably a mass market paperback, as I purged most of those when I downsized eight years ago.

Naturally I had to order it…in hardcover.  The price was right.  Sleeping with the Enemy, by Nancy Price.  Loved it back then!  Hope to love it again.





Do you ever buy books from your past, books that you actually eliminated from your stacks at some point?  I did that a couple of years ago with another one of my old favorites:  Domestic Pleasures, by Beth Gutcheon.  And Still Missing, by that author.






When I did my latest purge, I made sure to keep these, adding them to one of my shelves in my office.

What does it mean when I want to revisit the past, via books read and loved long ago?  I suspect that I am recalling a time when my reading was a slow savor….while now, I seem to be speeding through the books, reviewing them, and then moving on.

I have a small stack I’m accumulating of favorite reads from long ago.

Do you ever reread?  Or long to reread some books you loved?
