Another day of playing around online, while occasionally reading and texting with family members.

My granddaughter sent these photos in a text:

The first is an ironic comfy shoe that looks a little scary…

And the second is Fiona at work, exhausted from the job itself…and having to confront people refusing to wear a mask!

So whenever I think being “out in the world” would be a good idea, I think again.  And try to deal with my hair in a new way…like changing the part, below.


I am enjoying watching The Good Wife again.  It has been ages since I first saw it on the networks…so seeing it from the beginning on Prime feels like I’m seeing it for the first time!


I’m reading Girls of Summer, by Nancy Thayer, and now I must get back to it.  Loving it.


How are you spending the three-day-weekend…if you have one.



  1. Diane

    Laurel, You hair still looks nice even though you haven’t been able to get a haircut. I haven’t had a color in over 6 months but did get 2 haircuts only since February. No more color and I don’t mind the grow out since I’m not really going anywhere and plenty of people seem to be doing the same.

    It must be awful for Fiona and others to have to contend with obnoxious people who can’t follow a simple rule.

    Have a great week.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, yes, Diane, I have a copy of 28 Summers and plan to read it soon!

        I am also glad that I stopped coloring my hair a couple of years ago (except for the purple streak); I am okay not doing much to it, too.

        I feel bad for Fiona. She is worried that one of those people refusing to wear a mask will give her the virus!


    1. My two granddaughters couldn’t be in more opposite circumstances: one here in the thick of virus issues and horrible people and the other safely tucked away in New Zealand!

      I have been hearing my daughter go on and on about changing the part in my hair…lol. For years! And then when my hair was impossible yesterday, I tried it! So much better…for a while, anyway. LOL.

      Thanks for visiting, Kathryn, and hang in there!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Laurel-Rain, you look really nice with the long hair (and a different part). I decided to go natural color last year, which means gray, lol! I’m not a fussy type of person so it’s fine by me.

    I love most Thayer novels (I’ve been reading her since so many years ago, just checked– 1993!!) and haven’t read Girls of Summer yet, but maybe I should catch it before Summer’s over!

    p.s. my daughter is a nurse and they won’t let patients in her urgent care without a mask, and yes, some folks try to fight them on that rule. Ridiculous battle to choose, when they will lose and there are so many other differences to quarrel about.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t get why so many people are fighting the rules, but I suspect it has to do with the misinformation and inconsistent governing here. Need I say more?

      I have been reading Thayer for a long time, too…I don’t know when I started grabbing everything she wrote. But I do love sinking into one of her novels.

      I went “natural” a couple of years ago, and surprise, surprise, that color is gray. But I call it silver. LOL.

      Enjoy your week, Rita, and thanks for stopping by.


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