This morning, I was feeling restless…and snapped the above photo because I liked the light streaming into the room (my office), a place where I spend a lot of time.

I have some videotapes stacked on the coffee table, with movies I haven’t seen in a while.  Most people no longer have movies in this format…but I do still have a VCR/DVD combination, so I can watch.  Here is the equipment I have in my office, the only room with a VCR…

I do enjoy the improvements for movie watching:  DVR recordings; Netflix; Amazon Prime.  But when I see these old videotapes, I am catapulted back in time to how excited I got at being able to record movies and keep them on a shelf.  I used to have so many of them.

Now I have mostly DVDs on shelves in my hallway.


When my grandkids come over, we watch movies on the DVD player in my living room…the entertainment unit is a “dinosaur” from the 1980s…heavy and not updated for current usage, but I am making it work.


Now let’s look at the February birthday girls…neither one has come by to watch movies lately, since they’re grown.  They are both turning 21 this month:

Aubrey enjoying a day outside:

And Fiona, showing off some stretches…and her quirky hair:


Many years ago, they were enjoying a February day at the cabin in the snow (image on the left)


Another tidbit from my week:  my newest mani on Thursday:  a sparkling purplish color…


Do you sometimes look around your rooms and feel sentimental about days gone by?  Do images of children and grandchildren heighten those feelings?



    1. Thanks, Jackie, and if/when the VCR stops working, I’ll get rid of those VHS tapes…but until then, no. I did get rid of a lot of them when I moved.

      DVDs? I don’t know, since I do love curling up with them now and then, and I can’t find all of those movies on Prime or Netflix.


    1. Thanks, Sandy, and I have more DVDs in my bedroom, stacked on a table, for nights when I want to watch DVDs there. LOL. Although I also love watching movies on Prime and Netflix.

      My kids even ask for old photos of themselves when young…it’s cute. Although the old pictures of my kids are occasionally faded and orange (from the 70s).


    1. I hope my VHS portion doesn’t stop working for a long time! Some of the movies I love are not available in the DVD format…sigh.

      Some are available on Prime, though. Thanks for visiting, Deb…and enjoy your weekend.


  1. We still have a VCR and a VHS tape collection among the newer DVDs! But, wow, you have a HUGE video collection! Glad you enjoy revisiting old favorites. My husband and I caught a bit of Lion King the other night while flipping channels and found we can still recite EVERY SINGLE word – lol It was our oldest son’s favorite tape when he was 2-4 – we must have watched it hundreds of times. Like you said, good memories!

    Thanks for sharing your winter day pics!


    Book By Book

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Sue, I do enjoy the movies…my VHS tape collection is pretty small, after getting rid of a few when I downsized to this condo. But then my son built the hallway shelves for my DVDs…and I was very excited about it.

      Have a great week!


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