bookish thursdays

Welcome to Thursday, a day that once seemed lost, with nothing exciting happening anywhere.  But then that changed, and today I am celebrating some of the bookish events around the blogosphere, like Lexxie’s Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts; Kimberlyfaye’s TBR Thursday; and Christine’s Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts.

Today’s featured TBR book has been on my stacks since May 2015, a short book about a young woman named Hope whose life is in shambles:  A Thirty-Something Girl.

In the “foodie” section, Hope appears at a restaurant at the invitation of some friends, and here is what happens:

“We’re ready now,” she (Clara) says to him.

“Ready for what?”  I look each of them directly in the eye.  They all know I don’t like surprises, and this quite possibly could be the worst day for them to spring one on me.  “You aren’t acknowledging my,” I lean in closer and whisper, “you know what, are you?”

Before they have time to answer, I see, out of the corner of my eye, a group form near the side of the restaurant.  The leader of the pack is carrying an over-sized cupcake, and with one quick nod from him, his entourage begins to clap as they make their way over to our table.  Burning atop the sugary monstrosity are two numbers.  Two numbers I very much do not want to see.  They sing Happy Birthday, but not the way the song is supposed to be sung, but their own horrific rendition of it…I have two options:  faint or run away.  I choose the latter.”

Okay…so she’s THIRTY!  Big deal…LOL.  The cupcake sounds good!


Why This TBR Thursday Pick?

As I mentioned before, I’ve had this on Pippa since May 2015.  I must have wanted to read it at some point…here’s the blurb for A Thirty-Something Girl:






A Thirty-Something Girl follows the story of Hope. At the age of 30, she finds her life in utter shambles. Everything that could go wrong has – divorce, loss of a child, financial struggles. It is the love and unfettered support of her close friends who keep her from being lost in the quicksand of utter despair. As she slowly begins to wrap her head around who she is and what it means to be happy, she meets a man, Sam. Sam is also not a stranger to hardship and finds himself at his own crossroads. Together they find comfort and peace in one another; a soft, quiet place to fall, when the rest of the world is too hard and too noisy to inhabit.


So…should I read this one, or send it to the cloud?


Some Bookish/Not So Bookish Thoughts for Today:


  • I’ve read three very different books this week, so the pages seemed to fly by;
  • It has been verging on HOT all week, up to 90-something;
  • I was bored with my theme here, so as you might notice, I changed it up.  Check out the features!
  • Here’s a cute photo of my three step-great-grandchildren, left to right:  Maddix, Lilly and Bella.  Lilly and Bella are twins.


Maddix, Lilly, & Bella

  • It seems just like yesterday that their father, Spencer, was eight years old, the age he was when his mom married one of my sons;
  • Season II of Better Call Saul just ended…sigh.  It will be a while now for the next season;
  • I am really longing for the ocean…I could drive two-and-a-half hours to the Central Coast…or, eleven hours or so to the Northern Coast, which I haven’t yet visited since my youngest son and his wife moved there.  (Below), Kerrie, right, my DIL, and her youngest daughter Jessica, at the beach near Crescent City;


Kerrie & Jessica on the beach

  • I think it will be fun to go farther north…and take my granddaughter Fiona, since it’s her dad’s home.  She has her driver’s license now, so we could take turns driving;




  • I’ll have to think about it.  Those are my thoughts for today.  What are yours?




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    1. Thanks, Patty…now I have to figure out how to coordinate Fiona’s schedule with mine…she is always up for things until it’s time to decide. If we can’t arrange it, I may go on the train. That sounds like fun to me, too.

      Yes, I’m thinking that book is going to the cloud…but it is very small, with only 156 pages. Hmm.


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