bookish thursdays

Welcome to Thursday, a day that once seemed lost, with nothing exciting happening anywhere.  But then that changed, and today I am celebrating some of the bookish events around the blogosphere, like Lexxie’s Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts; Kimberlyfaye’s TBR Thursday; and Christine’s Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts.

Our feature today is one on my TBR from way back…February 2014!  I purchased A Desirable Residence, by Madeleine Wickham, from a board and brick bookstore, so it wasn’t even hiding.  It was right there on my stack!  It is a story of “love and real estate.”

Liz and Jonathan Chambers were stuck with two mortgages, mounting debts and a miserable adolescent daughter. Then Marcus Witherstone came into their lives – and it seemed he would solve all their problems. He knew the perfect tenants from London who would rent their old house: a glamorous PR girl, Ginny, and her almost-famous husband, Piers.



In our food and drinks section, Liz has brought the exciting news of her plan for renting out the house, and offers Jonathan some tea.  He isn’t as thrilled about the plan as she is:

‘Here’s your tea,’ said Liz.  She looked at his face and frowned.  ‘Oh, come on.  Don’t be such a misery.’  Jonathan roused himself, and gave her a small smile.  Liz took a huge bite of doughnut and looked at him balefully.  ‘I’ve had a really hard day,’ she added.

‘I know you have,’ said Jonathan, automatically adopting a soothing voice. ‘Well, why don’t you go and sit down, and I’ll bring you a piece of toast.’

‘OK,’ said Liz grudgingly, taking another bite of her doughnut.  ‘Where’s Alice?'(the adolescent daughter), she added, in a muffled voice.

‘She went out earlier on,’ said Jonathan.  He opened a drawer and took out the bread knife.  ‘She didn’t say where she was going.’

(I’m not sold on this one yet…they don’t even anything interesting to eat!  I had to search and search to find this bit.)


As for its TBR standing:  I have enjoyed some books by this author, and I must have really wanted to read it at the time I bought it…so why is it still waiting?  What do you think?  Here’s a bit more from the blurb:

…But soon Liz is lost in blissful dreams of Marcus, Jonathan is left to run their tutorial college, and neither of them has time to notice that their teenage daughter is developing a passion for the tenants, Piers and Ginny. Everyone is entangled with everyone else, in the most awkward possible way. And as events close in, they all begin to realize that some deceptions are just a bit too close to home.


Now for my Bookish and Not So Bookish Thoughts:

  • Today I have to run some end-of-the month errands…post-payday errands.  Yikes, I hate that!  Most bills can be paid online or even mailed, but there are a couple that require dropping them off.  Annoying…
  • But later, I get to see my daughter for my “styling” and a chat.  She is lots of fun.  She has this little bear at her station that I gave her when she graduated:  “I’m a beautician, not a magician.”  Hint, hint.



  • How did this week fly by so fast?  I’m only on my second book, Virgin River, and yes, it has 430 pages, but I’m only half finished.  Usually I’m on the third book by now.  But I’m savoring the book, so that’s good, right?
  • I’m feeling much better this week…back on the old meds, but still a little furious with the doctor who changed them to a “newer” prescription, for no reason that makes sense to me…but I’ll try to let it go;
  • It’s beautiful out this week…although the weather people are still talking about more rain;
  • I finished Broadchurch, the Netflix show I was bingeing on, and last night, resumed watching Lie to Me.  A new show, called The Ranch, is starting tomorrow.  Yes, I do get addicted….
  • I love Thursday TV, with the Shonda Rhimes shows…the new one, The Catch, looks promising, but I’m not quite addicted to it.
  • Here’s a photo I took of one of my quirky dolls, with the mug my daughter got me, because she knows me so well:


Married to Books with Friend


So that’s it for my thoughts?  What are you doing/reading/thinking about today?



  1. Patty

    I am so curious about those shows…checking them out now…Broadchurch sounds like it’s a BBC program…I think I have seen it. But I am checking them all out anyway…

    Also…do any of your children read the way you do? Just curious!


    1. I stumbled upon Broadchurch, and since I love reading British detective novels, I thought I might like it…and I did.

      As for my kids…my eldest two collected comics in grade school and did quite a bit of reading in high school…and then, when they were in college, it was mostly textbooks. But my oldest is a writer/photographer, so he is the most literary. My second son works for a movie production company and has an artistic/writing talent, too.

      My two youngest, sadly, don’t love reading…at all. My daughter did read 50 Shades of Gray…LOL.

      I wonder where I went wrong…ha. I did read to all of them, but I was also working a lot and going to graduate school at night when the younger two were still around. I also always had a book that I was reading, in addition to all of these things, so maybe they saw the reading as something they had to compete with…see how I blame myself?

      But…some of my grandchildren love reading, like Fiona and Noah.

      Thanks for stopping by, Patty.


  2. Glad to hear that your old meds have you back on track.

    Here’s a bit of a different take on the food and drink. It is from “W Is for Wasted” by Sue Grafton:
    As we ate, I wondered idly if you could classify men according to their breakfast preferences. Cheney was a pancake kind of guy, crisp bacon, breakfast sausage, eggs over easy.


  3. I didn’t realise that Shonda Rhimes had a new show out, it feels really weird not having How to Get Away with Murder to watch this week, and especially the way it ended too, I shall definitely have to check the new show out. I hope you have a great week and thanks for stopping by 🙂


    1. I don’t like having to wait for a show to return after a season break, which always seems to end with a cliff-hanger. I don’t think the new show is going to fill in for me very well, but maybe I’ll like it better after tonight. Thanks for stopping by, Jasprit.


  4. Love that mug (I know about ten people I could buy that for!).

    Seeing the Madeleine Wickham title made me wonder – why not simply stick with either Sophie Kinsella or Madeleine Wickham? I wonder why have both pen names when you advertise the fact on the cover? It’s odd. Anyway, I’ve read lots of Sophie (and always laughed) but haven’t read any Madeleine.


    1. I’ve enjoyed the “Madeleine” books so far…I’ve read a couple. I have wondered about why she alternates between the names, too.

      I love the mug, too, and I don’t drink coffee in it…too afraid of breaking it. I have a collection of mugs that are more decorative than anything else.

      Thanks for stopping by, Kate.


  5. You’re reading Virgin River!! Yay!! I just downloaded the 3rd book in the series.

    I’ve had Broadchurch recommended to me. Must get to it. I want to see about The Ranch, too. I got an email from Netflix about it and it looked good. If you end up watching let us know what you think about it. 🙂


    1. I got the same notification about The Ranch, and I think I’ll try it this weekend.

      I just finished Virgin River and loved it! Eager to read more of the series. Thanks for stopping by, Rachel.


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