
Welcome to another Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts, hosted by Lexxie, at (un)Conventional Bookviews.

The idea of Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts is to share a quote with food or drinks that showed up in a recent read, as well as if it’s something you think you’d like or not. Please share the title of the book it happened in, as well as the character who ate or drank the special little something you discovered between the pages of a good read. Please link up beneath, and visit other bloggers who are participating in Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts as well.

Today I am continuing the book I shared last time, with a better meal than we saw in the beginning.  Where We Belong, by Catherine Ryan Hyde, is a poignant, heartfelt, and uplifting story about finding your place in the world, no matter how impossible it seems.




Our teenage MC, Angie, our first person narrator, is more adult in her attitudes and behaviors than her mother, and seems to be in charge of coming up with plans for dealing with her autistic younger sister, Sophie.  She has built a connection with their neighbor, Paul, and even after Sophie’s behavior (shrieking constantly) gets them kicked out of more than one abode, Paul offers a way to help Sophie, who loves and is calmed when in the presence of his Great Dane Rigby.  Now a unique friendship has developed between them, and Paul is teaching Angie how to fish.  After a successful morning, they are getting ready to eat their catch:

I pressed the side of my fork down on a filet, but it was clear that it would fall apart at the slightest touch.  That I could just flake off a bite.  I did.  I popped it into my mouth.  Half excited, half nervous.

The flavor exploded on my tongue.  And yet it wasn’t too fishy.  It was fluffy, like a cloud.  It was the best thing I’d ever tasted in my life, I swear.  That’s not just one of those things you say.  I thought of pizza, and the steak my mom used to bring home from her old job at the restaurant.  And the shrimp I had once at a party.  They were nothing.  Next to this trout, they were cardboard.


Don’t you want some trout right about now?  What are you “eating or drinking” today?



  1. I’ll be having pasta today – and not because the mere mention of pizza set me off – it was already planned, lol.

    I was watching for a meal to share in the books I’m reading – nobody eats! Perhaps all the murder and mayhem in my favorite genre spoils their appetites. Well, not Lula in the Stephanie Plum series, but she’s a junk food queen.


  2. Patty

    Today was a find stuff in the refrigerator day! Eggs, noodles, green beans…little buttered rolls! We nibbled it all and then had key lime pie! Trout? Hmmmm…


  3. I love trout! When I was a kid, we used to go fishing in a lake, and the best fish was the trout – the one we just prepared after getting the boat back to land and grilled straight away. *sighs*
    This book does sound really good, Laurel-Rain. Thanks for continuing to participate in the Thirsty Thursday and Hungry Hearts feature 🙂


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