Over the years, I have edited my various collections.  Mostly I’ve just rearranged them, or maybe added or removed a shelf, a chair, etc.

But yesterday I decided to take things a step further and remove a few items.  By removal, I mean storing them in bins in the garage.  As a first step toward actually letting go of some of them.  Ouch!  Did I just say that?

For now, I’m calling it EDITING.

In the photo above, you’ll notice the hat/handbag stand in the corner.  It has been in the living room for awhile.

Hats & Handbags in New Location
Hats & Handbags in New Location

And the various dolls have been rearranged.  But here’s what I did yesterday:

bedroom photos

I used to have dolls on the nightstand, taking up room.  Now you can see Sparky and another book, plus my coffee and water.  And my ubiquitous mug that holds pens, etc.  I left the Ireland vignette on the desk.

Here’s the BEFORE PHOTO below:

Ireland Vignette & Photos in my Ireland Room
Ireland Vignette & Photos in my Ireland Room


4-6 bedroom changes 3

These shelves at the foot of my bed once held dolls on every top.  Now you can see dolls on only one shelf.  Progress?  And in case you’re thinking the Red Hat Sculpture on the shelf at your left is a doll…think again.


Atop the bookshelf and the small chest of drawers were various items…clutter.  Between them, on the floor, there once was a Boyds’ wagon full of bears, with dolls sitting around it.  Now gone!


Finally….on this shelf, there once were about four red hat dolls (in addition to the remaining bears) that prevented me from even seeing the book titles!  And there was another red hat bear atop the books on the floor.

Only two hippie dolls now sit next to the lamp on the table at the right.

Okay…it’s not a BIG CHANGE, but enough to fill several bins in the garage.  What next?  Well, I didn’t take photos, but I also removed a few extra dolls from my office…and from the dining room.  I’ve been searching online for consignment shops in the area.  I haven’t actually called or gone yet…but I’m thinking.

What does all of this mean?  Am I acknowledging a HOARDER tendency?  Or just tired of dusting?

What do you think?  And I’m pretty sure my daughter won’t even think anything looks different…lol


Have a Cup of Joe and Read!
Have a Cup of Joe and Read!


    1. It will never be a minimalist place, Patty, but if I can edit things down a bit every now and then….I guess a part of me is thinking that, if I move, I don’t want to do all that packing! I’ve been in this place six years…and I’m starting to get restless.

      But I don’t want to have a minimal decor…I do love having some favorite things around. It’s just deciding which are the favorites….sigh.


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