Welcome to another Monday Potpourri, which today celebrates Musing Mondays, hosted by Should Be Reading.

Do you have people online that you often discuss the books you read with? Not just book groups, but individual readers who share the same taste in books? If so, what do you like best about this? If not, do you wish you did?


It is difficult to point to one online friend who enjoys the same books, but I do visit several blogs and converse online and in e-mails with a few “friends” with whom I’ve connected over my years in blogging.

While we may not always enjoy the same books, Patty, at Books, Thoughts, and a Few Adventures is someone who gets very excited about books…and sharing our thoughts feels like sitting down and having coffee or tea together.

Then there is Staci, at Life in the Thumb, or Diane, at Bibliophile by the Sea.  Each of them participates in some of the same bookish events as I do, and I often find books I love at their sites.

Book Fan Mary and Bermudaonion are other sites where I can feel the special warmth of sharing thoughts and the love of books.

When I first started blogging, and posting reviews on Amazon, I “met” online friends Betty Dravis and Linda Bulgur.  We actually met in person in 2009…and had a great time!  Here’s the story about A Unique Journey.

I could go on and on.  Even when we don’t love the same books, there is a great feeling of shared love of reading.  That feels like a cozy shawl on a cold day.

What do the rest of you enjoy about the online world?


  1. I feel so honored beging mentioned…thank you! We do both love books and collections really a lot!!! I just have to get you to read one vampire book…I still think you would love Deborah Harkness…Discovery Of Witches…


    1. I am seriously considering that one, Patty. And I love that we like some of the same books, so when you rave about something outside my “comfort zone,” I’m willing to take a leap. Thanks for stopping by! Stay safe!!


    1. Glad you could visit today, Megan…I first started connecting online when Amazon reviewers had their Amazon friends to interact with (that’s not the case anymore); but that’s where I first realized that connections can be fun and make reviewing (and later blogging) a valid part of our lives.


  2. I only connect with book bloggers, like yourself. Some times our paths cross when we have read the same books. I love reading reviews of others who have read the same books as I have. Some we agree on and both like, and once in awhile, we read the same book, but don’t both like it, but usually for different reasons. I read such a variety of books, not just one genre, that I’m sure anyone who would try to follow my “Book Lust Journal” wonders about me. ; )


      1. Oh, you are welcome, Gigi Ann…and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

        I’ll be doing an end-of-the-month shelf clearing giveaway on that same blog, starting this week; I need to move a few more books off the shelves!!


  3. Wendy @ Escape Into Fiction

    It’s so nice to be able to share your love of books with others. I’m actually somewhat isolated in the sense that none of my close friends or family are avid readers. So, I kind of had to turn to the book blogging community to connect with others that love to read as much as I do. And it’s been a great experience so far that has actually broadened my reading interests a lot! Great post and thanks for stopping by my musing earlier! 🙂


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