Welcome to another Monday Potpourri, in which we feature Musing Mondays, hosted by Should Be Reading.

Today’s prompt:

I once knew a man who read about WWII. He read everything he could get his hands on on the subject. He had a whole wall of books that were all about WWII. It amazed me. How could he continue to find one subject that engrossing? My mother, on the other hand, loves to read best sellers. I’ve known other people who read science fiction to the exclusion of everything else; for others it was philosophy, self-help, or history.

So, to the questions…

What kind of books do you like to read?
Why? Provide specific examples.

I have to admit that I love books about family secrets, family dysfunction, addiction….but I also love mysteries.  Mysteries with family secrets, dysfunction, and addiction?  Even better.

Here are some of my recent reads: (Click links for reviews)

Dirty Secret – Jessie Sholl

Kingdom of Childhood, The – Rebecca Coleman

You Are My Only (e-book) – Beth Kephart

Girl Who Stopped Swimming, The – Joshilyn Jackson

Wrecker – Summer Wood

I could go on and on, but you see the pattern here.  And these are only from November and December.

Mixed in with these are some favorite mysteries.

Why do I like these books?  I blame my thirty-year career in social work, dealing with very messed up families.  Most of my colleagues now want to steer very clear of these issues, but even throughout my tenure in this career, I was drawn to the families.  I recognized something in them that appealed to my need to understand, to know…and to help.

What books grab your attention, and why?  I hope you’ll stop by and share.

20 thoughts on “MONDAY POTPOURRI — MUSINGS — DEC. 12

  1. I love family dysfunction…mysteries…English mysteries…YA paranormal…dystopian…

    Of course I can’t tink of titles right now but I love books in those genres…


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