Welcome to another Monday Potpourri.  Today’s event is Musing Mondays, hosted by Should Be Reading.

This week’s musing — courtesy of– asks…

Do you have a favorite series? Do you have a favorite book out of that series?


I have enjoyed some books in a series, as well as the series themselves.  I think my all time favorites are Sue Grafton’s Alphabet Mysteries.  I always eagerly await the next one on the list.

Her latest was V is for Vengeance.  (Click title for review)

The main character is Kinsey Milhone, who tells the story as if she’s talking to friends.  I’ve been a big fan of all Grafton’s books, and especially enjoy Kinsey, with her quirks, like peanut butter and pickle sandwiches and her fondness for a neighborhood bar that offers very strange cuisine.

Another series that I’ve loved is Debbie Macomber’s Cedar Cover stories.  The last one I read was 1022 Evergreen Place.

I’ve also enjoyed books by Trigiani and Evanovich, but haven’t read enough books in their series offerings to reach a conclusion.

What keeps me reading favorites in a series is the chance to revisit beloved characters; it’s sort of like coming home again.

What about the rest of you?  Do you have favorites?