Happy Thursday!  All week, instead of reading like I should, I have been fooling around with my blogs.  You may have noticed a facelift here, from the header to the background.  Of course we still have Mickey featured in the header, along with my Kindle/Dragon coupling on the right side of the header.

Over at An Interior Journey, I’ve been sharing my changes on my Bloggiesta post.  Yes, that event is coming up on February 3-4, and, as always, I started early.

Meanwhile, I am enjoying The Great Alone, by Kristin Hannah, a NetGalley review book that will be released on February 6.  There are 448 pages in the book, which seems to be my pattern lately…one of my books this week had 565. 

Alaska, 1974.
Unpredictable. Unforgiving. Untamed.
For a family in crisis, the ultimate test of survival.

I love the setting and the era.  It takes me back to what was happening in my life in the 1970s.  The Vietnam War, protesters, Nixon and Watergate…nothing much has changed in the world.  Except that nowadays we have social media to heighten our rage about what is going on around us.

Ernt Allbright is the MC, who, along with his wife Cora and daughter Leni, hopes to find a new life in Alaska.  Ernt’s experiences as a POW in Vietnam have left him with nightmares, flashbacks, and rage.  A lot of rage. 

Long winters in Alaska bring out his worst emotions…what will happen to his family in the isolated “great alone”?


I am savoring the book, not rushing, which means that my book numbers this week will be small.  I’ve only finished one other book so far, although I’m reading bits of Fire and Fury...but I can’t stay with it for very long before setting it aside.


What are you reading and thinking about this week?  Do your books remind you of your own life experiences?  Or do you read to escape?



  1. Patty

    Who really cares about book numbers? I bet you had a fun week working on your blogs! I am reading Death By Dumpling and I seriously need noodles and dumplings and potstickers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I love dumplings! I remember when my mom made stew and topped them with the best dumplings!

      Thanks for visiting, Patty, and for reminding me that numbers don’t matter…and how much fun I have working on my blogs.

      Speaking of noodles, on the weekend I watched the first Sex & the City movie for the fifth or sixth time, and I always love the scene where Carrie is alone on New Year’s Eve eating Cup of Noodles…the worst kind of noodles…and I was hungry for them! LOL


  2. Love how Mickey is pointing to the books! I think its great you are taking your time to read The Great Alone, some books deserve to be read that way for sure. Most likely i’ll do the same later in the year when I read it as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Emily, I am loving the new look here, too.

      In the past two years, I was trying to read books I bought, and suddenly, I realized that I often avoided the thick books. Those days are over, now.

      I’m glad, as thick books can be a joy to savor.

      Liked by 1 person

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