arch-framed for musings

Welcome to Monday Potpourri, a place for pondering.  Today we’re celebrating Musing Mondays, hosted by Should Be Reading.

I like the options available recently:

Describe one of your reading habits. • Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s). • Tell us what you’re reading right now — what you think of it, so far; why you chose it; what you are (or, aren’t) enjoying it.


As I ponder the choices, I am tempted to talk about all of these topics…but, no, let’s settle for reading habits.

I think I’ve talked about how I arrange my books in stacks on my various surfaces, and how I make lists for each week’s selections.  And how those lists end up on my Monday Reading post.

But beyond how I choose my books, how do I actually read them?  Well, one at a time, with an occasional concurrent read if it’s very hefty.

My favorite reading spots:

curl up and read

My Office Sofa
My Office Sofa

And then there’s my bed:


Now that I’ve established my reading lists and how I arrive at them; and shared a peek of my reading spots, let’s consider what happens after.

Yes, the review.

I don’t usually take notes, so I review the book right afterwards, before starting anything else.  Just so I won’t forget anything important.  And when I post my review, it goes on Amazon, on Goodreads, and on one of my eleven blogs.

Then I link to it on various pages on Curl up and Read:  books read, books purchased or review books, etc.

A little obsessive-compulsive?  Yes, that’s me….sigh

What are your secrets?  Anything you have never shared before?  Come on down….


    1. Yes, Sparky is a fun little friend. I never would have bought it on my own, but my daughter gave it to me for Christmas 2010 and I’m loving it.

      And Sparks is too schmaltzy for my taste…lol; especially the movies. But I sometimes watch them (a guilty pleasure?). Sort of like those Lifetime movies, which is where his flicks usually end up.

      Thanks for visiting, Caite.


  1. Some of my reading habits are similar to yours. I have a blog where I post about every book I read, as soon as I finish reading it. I have another blog I post just the title of the book that I read each month that leads back to the review.

    I couldn’t think of anything to write about this morning, so just commented on “MizBs” blog today. Thanks for the visit today.


    1. Occasionally I take notes, as I want to recall special themes or even quotes; but I still like to write the review immediately. At least on a Word document, even if I don’t post it right away.

      Thanks for visiting, Dewey….


  2. Patty

    We do share some of the same habits…I like one at at time…I hate taking notes…I write the review right away…but just before I read I make my outline. I use the same outline for every review…I am finally in love with it…and my secret is that it’s the same outline I used for my second graders…when I would teach them how to write a book review…what can I say…it works for me. Now…shhhhh…don’t tell anyone!


    1. I hadn’t started linking them from my “books read,” etc., pages until 2011. But I find it so helpful to have a place where I can go to find what I’ve read. Thanks for stopping by, Lady in Read. Glad you like my reading spots.


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