Good morning, blogging world!  Today is our opportunity to spotlight interesting themes in the books we’re reading.

Theme Thursdays is hosted by Reading Between Pages.

Theme Thursdays is a fun weekly event that will be open from one thursday to the next. Anyone can participate in it. The rules are simple:

  • A theme will be posted each week (on Thursday’s)
  • Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from the current book you are reading
  • Mention the author and the title of the book along with your post
  • It is important that the theme is conveyed in the sentence (you don’t necessarily need to have the word)
    Ex: If the theme is KISS; your sentence can have “They kissed so gently” or “Their lips touched each other” or “The smooch was so passionate”

This will give us a wonderful opportunity to explore and understand different writing styles and descriptive approaches adopted by authors.


This week’s theme is

BODY PARTS (Hands, feet, fingers, waist etc)


My excerpt is from She Makes it Look Easy, by Marybeth Whalen.

Now standing at a distance, it took me a moment to determine that the young woman with her was actually her older daughter.  It appeared that the weight she had lost, her daughter had found.  She slouched along beside her mom, a permanent sulk on her face, wearing skinny jeans that were not made for her figure and a T-shirt that read “I Didn’t Do It.”  An unappealing white roll of flesh poked out between the jeans and her skirt.  Her hair was no longer the blonde airy curls I remembered from back then, perennially clipped into ponytails with matching ribbons.  Instead it was a dishwater blonde I imagined closely matched her mother’s real color, hanging dank and stringy around her acne-spotted face. p. 18


It looks like this book will spotlight drastic changes in the characters…perhaps revealing some of the interior events that shake up the outsides.  What did you find?  Share, please!



    1. Welcome, Gigi Ann…I’ve enjoyed this meme so far. Thanks for stopping by, and you’re probably quite right about the daughter…and the mother, too, but that part wasn’t visible in this excerpt.


Please leave your thoughts. Comments, not awards, feed my soul. Thanks!

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