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What do you see when you look at this picture?  Precious collections, cozy clutter, or a horrendous mess that needs to be straightened?

I see precious collections and a bit of cozy clutter…I am constantly struggling to find a balance.

Recently I preordered a couple of books that address these issues in fictional form:  Keepsake, by Kristina Riggle, and Objects of My Affection, by Jill Smolinski.



And a few months ago, I read a memoir in which the daughter of a “hoarder” describes what that life was like.

Dirty Secret, by Jessie Sholl, is a poignant reminder of how serious these issues can be.

All of these examples point out one important fact:  the difference between collecting and hoarding is definitely a matter of degree, and sometimes the lines blur on this continuum.  Collecting/hoarding is in the eye of the beholder…until that ambiguous line is crossed.

Why am I so interested in this issue?  Well, my little secret (not so much, if you’ve been to my house!) is that I love to surround myself with collections.

Most of them are books, and my office is my go-to spot for all the books that funnel into my home.  I tell myself that if they are stacked neatly on shelves, bookcases, and the office coffee table, they are still on this side of that line.  But someone else might gasp at the sight.

I also love and adore doll collections, stemming from a childhood without them.  Yes, a bit over the top, perhaps….but that’s what my life looks like.  I do manage to keep a few in storage and rotate them in and out of the house.

Check out my Cottage Corner here on this blog to see some photos and judge for yourself…lol

Besides pondering collecting/hoarding, I’ve been planning next week’s list of books to read.

On Friday Out on a Limb, I share some excerpts.


What are you contemplating for the weekend?  Are you already planning out your next week of reads?  And what are your thoughts about collecting/hoarding…and remember, be kind!  lol


Please leave your thoughts. Comments, not awards, feed my soul. Thanks!

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