Welcome to another Monday Potpourri.  It’s time to explore our bookish world in Musing Mondays, hosted by Should Be Reading.

Our prompt today:

Do you read the ending before you start a book? Do you ever skip ahead to read the ending?


I am so afraid of accidentally discovering what happens at the end of the book that I do everything in my power to avoid those last pages…or even just a few pages ahead.  It’s much easier to do on Sparky, my Kindle.



When doing a Friday 56, I’m almost afraid to slip ahead that much, but I do it with my inner eyes closed.  You know….where you try to avoid feeling anything about the excerpt you’re spotlighting.

No…I don’t even read reviews ahead of time.  Those without spoilers would probably be okay, but I don’t want to lose the joy of anticipation.

What about you?  How do you feel about sneaking a peek at the ending?



  1. There is one reason why I go to the ending, once in awhile. However, I always check to see how many pages are in the book, but I never read the ending in doing so.
    However, if I’m not sure about a book I will read reviews, and I almost always read the synopsis before buying a book, because there are some genres I don’t read, so hopefully if I read the synopsis of the book it will help me decide if I want the book or not.


  2. cherylmash

    I agree with you. Especially if one reads for enjoyment and entertainment, reading the ending, would ruin the story. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great week and a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!


  3. The only thing I like to do when I start a book…is read the summary…I don’t even read long reviews really…I never go to the ending and I don’t skim but I
    absolutely have to read the summary!


    1. Especially as I approach the ending, I often have to curb the impulse to skip ahead a few paragraphs….slowly reading and zeroing in only on the words right in front of me! Thanks for stopping by and sharing, Vyki.


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